we've been in England 1.5 weeks now. It's required a bit more adjusting than I was anticipating...and not that that is a bad thing, just not quite what I was expecting. I am also trying to figure out a schedule for myself while Josh is off at work. (and his work is going really well..so i'm glad we're out here for this opportunity for him).
But I'm getting a bit frustrated at not being home, in control of my business. So if anything, this is a really good lesson in letting go of control. Frustrating, but good I'm sure. As burnt out as I was with making crowns day in and day out, I really kind of miss it and am not real sure of what to do with myself.
I've been going on lovely long walks during the day, walking to the market, and just popping into cute shops. With the conversion rate hovering at about 1 : 1.4-1.5, everything is inherently 1.5X more expensive than at home. So stuff is expensive, and we're trying to save our pennies for weekend excursions.
I had been toying with the idea of getting a little sewing machine while I'm out here...found a few shops that carry them. but I'm not sure if that's too extravagant to go and do, because I'd also have to buy all new scissors, thread, patterns, pins..etc...
There are a couple of local colleges, and I looked into taking summer classes...but since they're small colleges, they don't have much during the summer (what they do have is tractor driving and falconry. They had some really neat gardening classes...i could have gotten my certificate in organic gardening!! But those classes are only offered in the fall (Sept)...for 15-32 weeks....and we're leaving in Nov.
I did purchase Rosetta Stone-Greek to learn Greek better for work...I purchased that a few months ago in anticipation of doing that while I was here. I haven't had the motivation to use it yet, though.
We did take the train in to London this past Saturday, though. that was a lot of fun..I'll post those pix and videos in a separate post (working on uploading videos to you tube now)
It's a really rainy day out here today...so maybe i will pull out rosetta stone.
In the meantime, here are a few fun photos from the past week.
Around Derby:
This is an old Theater, named Zanziabar! I loved the name so much that I named a stuffed kitty I found (to help fill the void without my 2 kitties here) Zanzibar.
Cheese dinner...having fun trying locally produced foods
Lots of fun London pix coming up.....