Wednesday, April 13, 2011

winning streak

OK, i just have to tell "someone" out there about my winning streak in Scrabble. 

My husband and I love this game.  and Josh is a very, very intelligent guy.  He is my Rocket Scientist, after all.  But the last 3 games in a row (we have been playing almost every night, but some of these are multi-day games, otherwise we'd be up even later than we already are!), I've beaten him!!!  and in our 11 years together, I have NEVER beaten Josh in Scrabble before.  And I was finally able to do it 3 times in a row.  It's those little victories in life that keep us going. :)

We'll see what tonight's match brings.....

Oh, and my super cool nursing chair is going to be delivered on Friday.  And I just picked up the cradle sheets from Penney's today.   We had our first 'childbirth' class last night.  Having to do group activities made me remember how much I hated that kind of thing in school.  I already have issues with feeling "adult" enough to have a child of my own, and having to do group activities doesn't really help with that.  Yes, I'm a non-team player.  Just 1 of many reasons why I have my own business.

Monday, April 11, 2011

new photo booth!

josh helped me re-arrange the garage this weekend.  created more space in the garage for my work, my belly, and plenty of room to put a bouncy chair out here with this guy finally enters this world.  The new set up gives me an actual photo stand, rather than a totally improvised section on a shelf.  I have more storage space too (becuase we moved all inventory inside--Josh is Ok with me storing things in a side room that we don't go into a whole lot).

currently experimenting with the best lighting arrangement.  I have some great track lighting out here in the garage already (these pix are a little dark to get that point across)

overview of my workspace.  What you don't see is that the shelving all along the left hand side of the garage is organized and stacked to the brim with shipping materials. ( i did have inventory over there).  My drill press and rolling mill are set up on my jewelers bench behind the shipping table (the one that is sort of in the middle of the picture.  There is a nice sides aisle that runs down the whole length of the left hand side of the garage for maneuvering to get shipping materials and to get over to my other equipment.  and all of that really opened up the front part of the garage (i'm currently sitting in that grey office chair.  my comp. is right next to that CNC machine in the right hand corner)