I'm over due for an update! this is a long update. Sorry.
-I haven't posted any of those wedding pix I said I was going to post last week. Nor have I posted the additional price sheets. but at least I'm aware that I haven't posted any of those things rather than just completely forgetting
-I'm getting ready to roll into 18wks in my pregnancy. had to switch to sweat pants today, cause the jeans just aren't covering anymore (and the rubber band trick isn't cutting it either). We have our 2nd ultrasound scheduled for Feb 3rd!
-Rufus: i.e. sick kitty. Well, he still isn't acting sick, which I find to be a good thing. We had a few scared the other weekend, but after finding cat grass, hairballs, and plastic amongst the mess, we realized that was just Rufi being Rufi..and nothing to do with his current liver problem. His liver still isn't functioning properly..but we're so much better than we were 2.5 weeks ago. He got retested last week: 2 of the 3 liver functions are close enough to the normal range that the docs were ok saying they were normal. The WBC count was almost back to the normal range. but one thing that's still elevated that can't be ignored is the 3rd liver function- Bilirubin. Yes, like with newborns. My fuzzy infant still has an elevated bilirubin count, and they don't know why. I really want to just go get a little bili-blanket for the guy. and if it wasn't so darn cold outside (neg #s today!) I'd take him outside to lay in the sunshine. ..but as it stands, we're to stay on antibiotics for a total of 3 weeks more. But Rufi is super lovey, has a fantastic (bordering on annoying) appetite. put on 1.5 lbs between his visits over the last few weeks. He's social and starting to play-fight with Mickey again (which we see as a good thing!). So it may sound bad for me to say, but I'm really not that worried about Rufi. He seems to be doing really well. We just have to do meds 2x a day..and he loves it becuase he gets mass quantities of fancy canned cat food afterward. So everyone is happy. (including mickey--that fat cat gets to lick the spoon. that cat has to loose some weight..we'll tackle that next).
-Ok it's friday. Last friday, I started a new thing with my "fun" friday afternoons: cooking. I know, crazy idea! No, but really, it's cooking to get ahead. canning and freezing things to help build up a nice, healthy stockpile of easy to prepare foods. Things are only going to get more hectic from here on out. and usually, when I don't feel like making dinner, josh "makes" dinner (i.e., what you do feel like tonight honey, pizza or burgers?). But i have to give the guy a lot of credit. He works really late into the evening, and is tired himself by the time he gets home. He's great and putting together a meal if he has the components and knows what's there. But he doesn't like to come up with the meal idea on his own. And seeing as how he is increasingly becoming the CFO (chief Food officer...he's also the CEO -Chief exercise officer. Yes, we really talk like that in our house), then I want to arm him with good and easy options. 'cause I KNOW that closer to my labor date and after baby is here, I ain't gonna be cookin' for a while.
So last week, I canned up a few extra jars of some yummy homemade meat-pasta sauce. I was going to do a whole bunch of white-chili today, but i need ingredients, and it's wicked cold outside. So I think I'll make up a bunch of pizza dough and starting freezing a stockpile of that. On my wishlist for my birthday: an upright chest freezer. We'll see if the birthday fairy has been listening.
-last thing before I get back to work---We ordered a stroller last week, and it arrived! We went for the used goodness of well cared for items offered on eBay. Mainly becuase the full price of the stroller we wanted (plus all it's accessories) was a little ridiculous. There's a certified reseller of Quinny Buzz strollers on eBay, though. We came across an amazing deal on one of the strollers, and it came with all of the various seats and covers..even the wicked cute bassinet. The stroller looks brand spankin' new. I'm so pleased!! I think we only paid about 1/3rd of what it all would have cost retail. and there are a few things that we know we won't be using that, if we resold, we could recoup almost the entire price of what we paid. Our set is black and gray...not the fancy bright colors. But I'm fine with that. hides dirt better :) and it has reflective piping on it, so we'll still be visible on our evening walks. Ok, I really need to start looking into classes through the hospital ASAP...gotta learn how to actually get this kid out of me before we can go on walks, eh?
Have a great weekend!
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