Wednesday, March 2, 2011

icon making

working on icons for the "Small" crown cases!


  1. Yikes, my comment was lost. I wanted to know what kind of tool you were using?

    And I also wanted to know if it was ok to list you on my blogroll. :)

  2. it's my cnc machine that i use for engraving. This particular CNC machine was intended for wood carvers, but I made modifications and got an really neat little high-speed precision spindle for engraving my metal crowns. Fortunately, I can get wooden bits that fit in the spindle to do some fun wood working. Trick is, the spindle and motor can't handle a whole lot of torque (I have a mount for an actual router, but routers aren't very precise..too much runout on the bit), so for cutting out the icons completely (as being shown in the pic)I have to really step the bit down slowly so as to not overload machinery. But it works!

    Totally feel free to list me in your line up--Thanks sweets!

  3. Oh, wow that totally went over my head. Maybe you could come over and show me how to use my new/old router (picked up at a yard sale, and I've no idea if it actually works or how to put together the table or use it if it DOES! But for what I paid, I hardly even care! -laugh-)
