Saturday, September 10, 2011


I love how the sound of the dishwasher always makes Arie fall asleep.

And speaking of sounds, my parents were telling me yesterday about a story they saw on the news the previous night.  apparently, a personality/pet peeve/quirk I've always had is actually a real thing.  We always just thought it was a "me" thing.  It's called misophonia.  I can't stand hearing other people chew.  And i know, you'll say that no one likes to really hear another person eat.  but we're talking, even polite eaters.  chewing with their mouth closed.  The noise of them chewing just stands out and is LOUD to me and I CAN'T STAND IT!  it makes me ill.  If I'm eating at the same time, i have to stop eating.

Poor Josh--If I'm sitting next to my husband during dinner, then the TV has to be on to drown out chewing noises.  Otherwise, I get physically angry and annoyed and shoot him very angry looks for just chewing his food like a decent human being.  It's 100% an anxiety thing.  Always knew it was, just didn't know it had an actual name!  If we're having a snack in the living room..we sit on different sofas until snack time is over. 

Oh, and don't get me started about listening to people drink hot coffee.  I freak out in movie theaters--listening to people crunch popcorn.  i just focus in on those mouth sounds and can't distract myself away from's all i hear.  I usually end up clamping my finger nails into josh's arm if he's nearby.  Fortunately, Josh has always been very understanding of this trait of mine and knows that i can't really help it.  he tries to help me just 'chill out'..but it does lead to some crazy moments (switching seats with me in the middle of "Wicked" when were in London, as the lady next to me was slurping her ice cream she bought during intermission.  Making me get liquored up on a trans-atlantic flight so that I didn't strangle the person eating next to me.  you know.  silly things like that).  as you can see, it inflicts a kind of rage response from me.

mommy's little thumb-sucker!

 I know.  I'm weird.  I'm an artist, that's all i can say.  So how about some cute baby pix to help show that I can be normal (for what it's worth, i like hearing my nephew and my Arie eat.  I find their eating sounds reassuring. 
don't ask why)

Arie turns 12 weeks in a couple of days...and he's around 9lbs now.  Pretty honkin' huge compared to his 5.75lbs at birth!  He's doing so, so well.  Despite having such a fun job, it's still a job--and so i have a bit of contempt for it at the moment as I'd rather spend all day playing and cuddling with Arthur!  At least I get to work from home and get to at least be around him all day.

Monday, August 22, 2011

a whole new ballgame...

In my last posting on this blog, i was not yet officially a mommy....and today I write this as the mommy of a 2month old!

here are the highlights
-Arthur Alan Clough was born on 6/20 (1 week early)
5lbs 11oz, 20.5" long....yup, a long skinny guys!
-labor was just 8 hours--fast and intense.  Oof.  A little scary, too.  Arie's heart rate kept dropping with each contraction.  so alarms kept going off.  turns out, it was becuase his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck.  we didn't know this until the very end, so an emergency c-section team was on standby in my room in case Arie didn't tolerate the pushing well.  but he did.  Just 5 sets of pushes and he was out!

-the first 2 weeks of motherhood are quite the experience and adjustment.  week 3 felt better.  by week 6 i was starting to see how I'd be able to juggle being a mommy while also taking care of the house and getting back to work

-nursing takes a lot of time.  and breast fed babies like to eat a little several times a day.  even now that he's 2 months old, he's still eating about every 2-3 hours during the day time.  At night, he's starting to really do well.  I nurse him, then he gets a bath and then Daddy (Josh) gives him a bottle I've prepped.  so that really stuffs the kid.  Just this past week we're finally getting into a 5-6 hour stretch at night.  after his 1st wake up at 3 or 4am, though, he's up every 2 hours after that.  but I can handle that for the most part.  better than every 2 hours the whole night like it was for the first month...

-Arie loves going on walks in his stroller.  and he loves sitting in his little chair out in my workshop and watching me while I work.  fortunately, he likes the sound of the engraver (it's like white noise to him).  but he doesn't get to be out in the office when i'm soldering metal.  I do all that kind of work first think in the morning while he's still asleep.

-i would not say that arthur has colic--but he does get the grumps in the evening.  cuddles, eating, and walks outside seem to do the trick.  Oh and he loves bathtime :)

i love my little man more than I ever thought possible.  can't imagine life with out him!

Arie's Churching 3 weeks ago

Friday, June 3, 2011

almost like music

The sound of nearly10,000 little glass seed beads falling to the ground is almost soothing...and quite a pretty effect...Until you realized that you have to clean them all up.  and that while you were mesmerized by the waterfall effect of them, they bounced all over the woodfloor and scattered into a dozen different nooks and crannies. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

movin' that up a tad....

Sorry folks, I know I had said June 8th...however my increasing discomfort with all things pregnancy related have really been taking their toll.   June 3rd is the new cut off date.

My work doesn't stop on the 3rd...I have to finish making all the orders that I receive during this week. and based on the kinds of 'practice contractions', the massive heat wave the midwest is experiencing right now, my lack of sleep (so hard to get comfy!), and just all things needing to be done to get ready for baby, it's all just feeling a little overwhelming right now. and I need to limit my stress at the moment. and I would rather upset a few people now by moving up the cut off date than taking an order, but not being able to fill it. My very sincere apologies is my date change is going to inconvenience you in any way.

thanks for understanding!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last Call!

THE LAST DAY to get your orders in before I start Maternity leave is June, 8th!!!

Once I finish up those last orders, then I will officially be on maternity leave until the end of July.

I hope to get back to work on August 1. NOTHING WILL SHIP WHILE I AM ON MATERNITY LEAVE. I will keep this website updated with all pertinent info. Please no phone calls during my leave. You are always welcome to continue emailing, and I will respond when I am able. I apologize in advance for any inconvenience my time away may cause. I appreciate your patience and understanding during this wonderful time in our lives. I promise to return to work as soon as I can.

My Due date is June I'm just past 34 weeks along, but this kid is measuring in at 36 weeks along (for those of you who don't know, 40 weeks is "Full term").  and his current measurement does not necessarily mean that he'll be early..but it does show you just how uncomfortable I'm starting to get.  and Just plain exhausted.   No one would want me working on their crowns a full month from now, trust me!  Depending on the health of the baby and myself, I may shorten or extend my leave.  Keep checking back for updates on either this site, or the website.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

winning streak

OK, i just have to tell "someone" out there about my winning streak in Scrabble. 

My husband and I love this game.  and Josh is a very, very intelligent guy.  He is my Rocket Scientist, after all.  But the last 3 games in a row (we have been playing almost every night, but some of these are multi-day games, otherwise we'd be up even later than we already are!), I've beaten him!!!  and in our 11 years together, I have NEVER beaten Josh in Scrabble before.  And I was finally able to do it 3 times in a row.  It's those little victories in life that keep us going. :)

We'll see what tonight's match brings.....

Oh, and my super cool nursing chair is going to be delivered on Friday.  And I just picked up the cradle sheets from Penney's today.   We had our first 'childbirth' class last night.  Having to do group activities made me remember how much I hated that kind of thing in school.  I already have issues with feeling "adult" enough to have a child of my own, and having to do group activities doesn't really help with that.  Yes, I'm a non-team player.  Just 1 of many reasons why I have my own business.

Monday, April 11, 2011

new photo booth!

josh helped me re-arrange the garage this weekend.  created more space in the garage for my work, my belly, and plenty of room to put a bouncy chair out here with this guy finally enters this world.  The new set up gives me an actual photo stand, rather than a totally improvised section on a shelf.  I have more storage space too (becuase we moved all inventory inside--Josh is Ok with me storing things in a side room that we don't go into a whole lot).

currently experimenting with the best lighting arrangement.  I have some great track lighting out here in the garage already (these pix are a little dark to get that point across)

overview of my workspace.  What you don't see is that the shelving all along the left hand side of the garage is organized and stacked to the brim with shipping materials. ( i did have inventory over there).  My drill press and rolling mill are set up on my jewelers bench behind the shipping table (the one that is sort of in the middle of the picture.  There is a nice sides aisle that runs down the whole length of the left hand side of the garage for maneuvering to get shipping materials and to get over to my other equipment.  and all of that really opened up the front part of the garage (i'm currently sitting in that grey office chair.  my comp. is right next to that CNC machine in the right hand corner)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Rush!

Hi folks, The rush of orders for Spring weddings is on!  I have a lot of people I have yet to respond to via email or phone.  Rest assured all of your messages have gotten to's just taking me some additional time to get back to everyone.  I am trying to get all caught up on that correspondence today (or rather this evening).  Thanks so much for understanding.


I hate it when I misplace a crown!!!!! 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

neat site

because of my husband, Josh, I love all things space.  this is a neat little write-up--mostly fun pictures

Monday, March 21, 2011

crown cases are here!

I picked up my first batch of crown cases from the cabinet makers on Friday.  I got a chance on Sat evening and yesterday afternoon to sit down and inspect them.  Overall, they're exactly what I wanted.  We have a few kinks to work out yet (a few lids are askew and need to be remade.  padded feet were left off).

I just need to install the Lexan window. and prep and install the bases.  I'm not pleased with how my wooden icons stained up...there's too much detail--and the oak grain really picks up the stain.  I need to find a solution pronto!

Friday, March 18, 2011

2 saving graces

2 things have helped me get through this week:  1) completely abandoning my work yesterday afternoon (the first really gorgeous and warm day here this year) and going to play with my my nephew in the yard.  trucks, sandbox, chasing bubbles.  Sharing a banana.  Yeah, that's the good stuff. 

2) today is Friday.  We'll see if I can get everything checked off my to-do list today, but come 6pm, i'm not working on any work.  only fun stuff (rehabbing a dresser for baby's changing table).  FYI, i pick up crown cases today!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well, I really liked the house---thought that it had enormous potential.  Josh agrees with that, but feels more work would need to be done sooner rather than later.  As in, as soon as we moved in.  So that's an automatic no for us with our current situation.  it was really fun to go and see, though. 

and josh's work has officially announced that they're moving to a downtown location!  Yay!  That will shave about 10  minutes off of josh's commute (to well under 30 minutes!).  The existing buildings still needs to be renovated for RR's use, but they are a couple of unused Eli Lily buildings.  so they're in great condition.  RR just has to get all the work spaces and such set up.  Josh's group will be the last to make the move, but it's conceivable that josh will be at the new site by the end of the year.  Fun!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Busy week!

last week of my 2nd trimester.  Woo!

And too much crown work to really be able to comprehend.  BUt it's all really really fun work, so i'm not unhappy about it.

to add to all of this excitement, on an evening drive yesterday, we stumbled upon a home that we've always loved.  It's now for sale.  It's a home that we had noticed was for sale via the online listing several months ago, but hadn't fully comprehended that it was that house.  and it hasn't yet sold (it's a pre-forclosure.  as-is condition.  needs updating).   We're starting to feel the space crunch in our home (and esp. my workshop).  we can't help but be curious about this house.  waiting for a realtor to call me back to see when we can view it. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kicking = good, right?

So the other night, Josh was talking to my belly.  The little guy was in quite the feisty, kicking mood (he really responds to Josh's voice!).  So Josh started naming off some of the names we've compiled thus far.  The little guy was quiet, no kicking at all, until we got to one name.  And we got a BIG kick.  Josh continued reading names, but no kicks to any of those.  And when we went back to reading stories, then the kid was just doing his usual fluttery thing.   Soo....we can only guess that he liked the sound of the name, and that's why he kicked....Or was it a fluke?....or does it mean he hates the name?

I usually go with the theory that If I get lots of kicks while eating, then I figure he likes it, right?  so, I think I may apply that to the name game we have going on.

I think I may have also finally located a nursing chair.  Once my short little legs will allow me to out of rather gracefully with out much arm assistance.

But work has been really, really busy the last 2 weeks, so barely any baby-fun has gotten done.  I think I'm still in shock that I'm a week away from my 3rd trimester.

I just had to restock on some materials and shipping supplies.  It is getting to hard to snake in and out of the aisles I have set up in the garage for the various boxes and supplies.  It's hard not to get grumpy about it.  and I need to suddenly have a bunch of safe storage areas for all those crown cases that should be finished any time now.... I need a larger workshop!  But the Spring wedding season is in full swing.  It's been late working days around here....which is fine, since Joshy-boy has been working a lot of late evenings for his work these days, too.  So it at least works out well that we're both needing to work long hours...but man, am I TIRED by the 6pm.  I could seriously go to bed at 6 every night!

OK, back to work--lots of fun engravings to do!

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm no quitter!

So I just had an interesting experience at my regular Monday night pilates class.  I've been going to this particular class for a couple of years now, and even before then I was a pilates girl. 

Just recently, The Saturday Pilates teacher started (temporarily) teaching the Monday night class.  This teacher started working at the gym just before we left for England, so I wasn't going to any of the Sat. classes then.  So this teacher doesn't know the un-pregnant me.

For the most part, I've been able to keep up with the class.  I've only recently had to start modifying some of the exercises, which isn't a big deal to do, and I obviously don't mind doing that.

well tonight, after class, the teacher came up to me and asked me when I was going to quit the class!  That really shocked me.  I was expecting to have to be the one to go up to her at some point and say "sorry, the class just isn't fun for me any longer, I'll see you in a few months"  and then feel guilty about bowing out of the class when the teacher probably things that I should keep doing it.  But no, it kind of seems like the opposite is going on here!  I don't think this teacher is particularly comfortable with me in the class! 

Anyway, I told her that yes, it's getting harder and harder to these exercises, but that I had a goal of keeping up with pilates for at least another 2 weeks, to get me into my 3rd trimester and then just see how I'm doing at that time.

I don't think I'll feel uncomfortable in that class, as in, I don't think the teacher is actively against me being in the class.  it was just an unexpected conversation.  I know she's just looking out for the welfare of her students, and I can't really argue with that one!

interesting way to start the week.

it's nearly 1am on Sunday night/monday morning.

Plumber left the house about an hour ago.  after 4.5 hours + 250 ft of snake@ time and a half emergency rates, we finally have working plumbing again.

This is the 2nd time in 3 weeks....the 1st time was only 3 hours and 125 feet.  Yeah, apparently this was a different clog, so the 30 day warranty for the previous work didn't apply. 

And being in the pregnant state that I am, I have been avoiding major chemical cleaners.  so poor josh has been left to spray the bleach solution over everything to get it all disinfected.  As Josh just said "the smell of all that watered down bleach has me wanting to go swimming."  I like that I can smell bleach now, rather than sewage.  But my heightened sense of smell really isn't caring much for that scent either. 

Kinda a rough way to start of the week. 

I am grateful for indoor plumbing, but with the kind of luck we've been having with it the last month i'm ready to give up.

At least Rufi-boy wasn't sick all day like the last time.  All we needed last time was to add a crying baby to the mix, and that would have been just perfect.  so in that respect, we're doing pretty well.   oy!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

icon making

working on icons for the "Small" crown cases!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Is it Weird?

Is it weird that I think the background music to Stevie Wonder's Do I Do sounds like the theme music to Fraggle Rock?

We meet again...

Alright, it's another snowy friday around here.  Josh has been stuck in traffic more than an hour---road conditions are apparently a lot worse than anyone thought.  I'm both giddy and bummed that that means that I won't be driving out this morning to head to the gym, as originally planned.

On the docket for the day:  yes, crowns...but more specifically, after making some specific crown sets, I'm officially starting on my "stock pile" of crowns for maternity leave.    That also means that i need to order in even more materials in order to continue this trend.  spend money to make money, right?

I made a big ole vat of chili yesterday, so I don't plan on taking the afternoon off to cook (although I'd much rather do that than work).

I do have a fun work project to make the afternoon fun and a little different, so I'm looking forward to that.

Now, what to do while the garage is warming up?  ah yes, a nap with my kitties.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Starting a new Game...

OK, I'm going to start a new game here called:  Is it Weird?

Is it weird that in every dream I've had about my baby thus far, he always turns into a cat at some point?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's a...

OK, I haven't yet made the official announcement on whether Midge is a He or  She on the set yet.  I've really been slackin' around here, haven't I?! We found out a few weeks ago....
why have just 1 picture of the family jewels, when you can have 2?

pretty picture of his spine
I can't wait to eat those Toes!!!

Skeletor shaking his fist at me, already pounding to get out of my belly.

Not super clear profile shot, but you can see his little lips and nose outlines :)

 So yes, while originally I thought I was having a girl (So much for maternal instinct!) it's a boy.  I love the idea of having a little man running around the house. someone to help keep mommy safe when daddy goes on his business trips. And growing up, I always loved having an older brother, so if we ever do have a girl, then I think she'll be lucky to have an older brother.

So on to the kid who already wants out of my belly:  yeah, lots and lots of kicking.  The amount and intensity of the kicks really does increase every day.  and when he's kicking behind my belly button, it kind of tickles.  and Chocolate always gets him going.  now that's my boy!

All this activity has really made me want to just throw my hands up at my work and start maternity leave now.  but I'm not going to.  I'm certain I can make it through the May/June wedding rush (As most people order several weeks ahead of time) before I stop work and just sell from stock.  However, I am starting to make plans for stockpiling, and know that over the next month or so, I'll have made all the sets of a few crowns styles that will get made pre-baby. 

There are some crowns that are just too labor intensive, or I'm sick of wearing my respirator to protect from paint I'm just gonna stock pile those now and sell from that until the fall.  Just the way it's gonna have to be for a while.  so, back to work!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011


i did a teensy amount of work yesterday before getting sidetracked and making fun things in the kitchen.  I can never work well when Josh stays home--he's so distracting.  I blame it all on him.

anyway, even thought there's about  4inches of ice on the ground, the roads were downgraded from "watch" to "Advisory"..meaning that technically, the roads are fine.  so josh had to venture into the office today.  took an hour to chip out my Subaru (the VW is completely iced in place.  won't budge).

but sounds like most people still stayed home today, so the roads were nice an empty.  and just a handful of people are at his office today.

i would much rather have another fun snow day at home with josh, but it's probably for the best that he went in.  now i can get some work done today.  i'm being a little pokey about it.  but a work day it shall be.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow day?

so the bad part of working from home is that, technically, you can work through any kind of weather.  

We got hit with a major ice storm last night, with an even worse round of ice moving into the area around noon today.  Everyone is expecting power outages with the weighted down tree limbs.  but so far, we're good.  but we are doing things like filling up water bottles, bringing in more firewood, etc.  I spent all morning deep cleaning the house.  if we're gonna get snowed/iced in, then we're gonna get stuck inside a clean house gosh-darnit!

After a half hour of trying to chip out his car earlier this morning, Josh gave up.  the 1/2" layer of ice was too much. (yeah, see, my work takes up the whole garage now.  the guy doesn't get to park in a garage anymore.)  So he's having to take the day off becuase we can't get either car cleared off sufficiently. 

So now I'm debating if that means I should be a good girl and go out in the garage and work??!  Nearly everyone else in town is taking a snow day.  But ethically, do self-employed folks who work from home get snow days?  Well, I guess it depends on how much I want to get paid today.  no work = no pay.  So maybe I'll work up until noon--when the weather is suppose to hit again, and then call it a snow afternoon. 

Josh is doing some prep work around here for  worst case scenarios, so he's got that kind of thing under control and doesn't need me.  (we have a ton of trees...i'm freaked out about limbs falling on us.  he just went out an inspected everything.  so far so good). 

So now, i guess i'll go get cleaned up (from cleaning the house.  ironic, isn't it?). and go do a bit of work and just see how it goes.

Monday, January 31, 2011

weekend shennanigans

On Saturday I turned 29.  Josh whisked me away to Cincinnati, OH  for a fun morning/afternoon of shopping at IKEA (that's the closest one to Indy).  We got a few things--mostly picture frames, more fun drinking straws.  you know, silly stuff.  still absolutely loving a lot of their kitchen designs (esp after coming home from england and really appreciating a more modern, sleek approach to kitchen cabinets and such).  so it was fun to just play and daydream.  our very traditional 70's era house would not be very receptive to a modern kitchen make-over.  probably for the best.

We did take a look at the baby furniture ikea had to offer.  surprisingly, we weren't that enthused with what we saw.  Which is totally fine by us.  We really only need a couple of things.  Midge's room has a huge closet.  we have some fun stacking cubbies in her room already (i had a dream the other night that Midge was a girl and we named her Lydia).  We just need a nice nursing chair for me.  and a changing table...but we have a long low dresser-sideboard chest thing that we found on the street corner in the neighborhood a couple years ago that I think would be perfect.  Just add some side rails.  Put a changing pad in and voila!   It just needs some prettifing (and work on the drawers to make them run more smoothly).  but that's easy enough to do.

we have a cradle to get us started (family heirloom.  it was built by josh's dad when Josh was born.  all family and friends to the Clough family have used it (each baby who slept in the cradle gets an engraved name tag added to the cradle frame).  So we're set on the sleeping arrangements for at least the first several months until midge starting pulling herself up.  then we'll have to switch to an actual crib.

and I'm having a hard time finding a nursing chair i like. But i have plenty of time still, so really not that concerned.

Back to IKEA...thought we had found the perfect base onto which i can affix all my england rocks for showcasing them.  but now thinking I may not use what we bought.  it's ok, it was cheap, and can be used in other ways.

Sat night we went for an amazing dinner (courtesy of a very generous gift card from the parents-in-law for last years anniversary) at Eddie Merlots.  It's a very nice restaurant, with just a couple of other locations across the area.  so it's not to chain-y.  We had a fantastic time.  I sipped on sparkling water in lieu of the hundreds of wine bottles and wine tasting rooms that surrounded us.  Josh bucked the trend and had a beer and later a scotch.  (the tour in scotland got him appreciating scotch from time to time).  Lobster mashed potatoes help establish that all was right in the world.

So now it's Monday.  and Indianapolis is bracing for "iceageddon" as the forecasters have been calling it.  Apparently we're due to have about an inch of ice during the overnight, with more to fall over the next several days.  So I need to stop typing and go get more ice melt from lowes.  and i could stand to have a few other groceries on hand, too....

and then, it's work.  I have some work that i'm really excited about, but still having a hard time actually focusing on it. I feel like such a scatter-brained ditz these days.  I like to blame it on the cold garage.  but it's really me (err, rather, the growing Midge in me).  but the cold garage doesn't help any.

one of these days I'll post pictures of something or other for your entertainment.  but that smacks of effort.  and like i said, i just don't have the focus for effort.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I'm officially starting to feel the baby kick!  I've had some funny "pinging" sensations up to now (18.5 weeks)...but I just felt some actual movements that have me 100% certain it's Midge! 

Do I really have to keep on working today?  Can't I just lay around and talk to my belly/Midge the rest of the day?

Friday, January 21, 2011

updates all around

I'm over due for an update!  this is a long update.  Sorry.

-I haven't posted any of those wedding pix I said I was going to post last week.  Nor have I posted the additional price sheets.  but at least I'm aware that I haven't posted any of those things rather than just completely forgetting

-I'm getting ready to roll into 18wks in my pregnancy.  had to switch to sweat pants today, cause the jeans just aren't covering anymore (and the rubber band trick isn't cutting it either).  We have our 2nd ultrasound scheduled for Feb 3rd!

-Rufus: i.e. sick kitty.  Well, he still isn't acting sick, which I find to be a good thing.  We had a few scared the other weekend, but after finding cat grass, hairballs, and plastic amongst the mess, we realized that was just Rufi being Rufi..and nothing to do with his current liver problem.  His liver still isn't functioning properly..but we're so much better than we were 2.5 weeks ago.  He got retested last week: 2 of the 3 liver functions are close enough to the normal range that the docs were ok saying they were normal.  The WBC count was almost back to the normal range.  but one thing that's still elevated that can't be ignored is the 3rd liver function- Bilirubin.  Yes, like with newborns.  My fuzzy infant still has an elevated bilirubin count, and they don't know why.  I really want to just go get a little bili-blanket for the guy.  and if it wasn't so darn cold outside (neg #s today!) I'd take him outside to lay in the sunshine.  ..but as it stands, we're to stay on antibiotics for a total of 3 weeks more.   But Rufi is super lovey, has a fantastic (bordering on annoying) appetite.  put on 1.5 lbs between his visits over the last few weeks.  He's social and starting to play-fight with Mickey again (which we see as a good thing!).  So it may sound bad for me to say, but I'm really not that worried about Rufi.  He seems to be doing really well.  We just have to do meds 2x a day..and he loves it becuase he gets mass quantities of fancy canned cat food afterward.  So everyone is happy. (including mickey--that fat cat gets to lick the spoon. that cat has to loose some weight..we'll tackle that next).

-Ok it's friday.  Last friday, I started a new thing with my "fun" friday afternoons:  cooking.  I know, crazy idea!  No, but really, it's cooking to get ahead.  canning and freezing things to help build up a nice, healthy stockpile of easy to prepare foods.  Things are only going to get more hectic from here on out.  and usually, when I don't feel like making dinner, josh "makes" dinner (i.e., what you do feel like tonight honey, pizza or burgers?).  But i have to give the guy a lot of credit.  He works really late into the evening, and is tired himself by the time he gets home.  He's great and putting together a meal if he has the components and knows what's there.  But he doesn't like to come up with the meal idea on his own.  And seeing as how he is increasingly becoming the CFO (chief Food officer...he's also the CEO -Chief exercise officer.  Yes, we really talk like that in our house), then I want to arm him with good and easy options.  'cause I KNOW that closer to my labor date and after baby is here, I ain't gonna be cookin' for a while.

So last week, I canned up a few extra jars of some yummy homemade meat-pasta sauce.  I was going to do a whole bunch of white-chili today, but i need ingredients, and it's wicked cold outside.  So I think I'll make up a bunch of pizza dough and starting freezing a stockpile of that.  On my wishlist for my birthday:  an upright chest freezer.  We'll see if the birthday fairy has been listening.

-last thing before I get back to work---We ordered a stroller last week, and it arrived!  We went for the used goodness of well cared for items offered on eBay.  Mainly becuase the full price of the stroller we wanted (plus all it's accessories) was a little ridiculous.  There's a certified reseller of Quinny Buzz strollers on eBay, though.  We came across an amazing deal on one of the strollers, and it came with all of the various seats and covers..even the wicked cute bassinet.  The stroller looks brand spankin' new.  I'm so pleased!!  I think we only paid about 1/3rd of what it all would have cost retail.  and there are a few things that we know we won't be using that, if we resold, we could recoup almost the entire price of what we paid.  Our set is black and gray...not the fancy bright colors.  But I'm fine with that.  hides dirt better :)  and it has reflective piping on it, so we'll still be visible on our evening walks.  Ok, I really need to start looking into classes through the hospital ASAP...gotta learn how to actually get this kid out of me before we can go on walks, eh?

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

all done.

Well I'm finally done with Jury Duty.  I was put on a criminal case.  It was an interesting experience.  It really put me behind in my work, so I am really sorry about that.  I didn't get home until really late in the evening yesterday.  and today i had to drive through the worst weather conditions I've ever had to drive in, in order to get to the court house to finish up today's case.  I was late.  I was the last juror to arrive.  Oh well.  The judge was nice about it.  It took me an hour to do a drive that normally takes 15-20 minutes.  I had given myself 45 to do the drive.  Shoulda left a full hour early...didn't know I-70 was going to be a parking lot with snow.   I was genuinely scared, the roads were so bad.  But I got there safely (love my subi).  Fortunately, I got home before dark today, and the roads were much, much better for the drive home.

so now, I've done my civic duty, and I'm now ready to go back to being a crown maker again.  I've gotten the price list posted on the alexander crown page.  I've got the dimitrie and aaron crown lists ready to go and will post those in the morning.  and I have TONS of wedding pictures to get post on the site  I LOVE all the photos couples have been sending me...keep them coming!!!!  I got a whole slew sized down, just need to actually post...again, another task for tomorrow am.  and now:  bedtime.  Now that I can think of things other than criminals, guns, and shootings.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Jury Duty

My group was called in for Jury Duty tomorrow.  I guess it's better to get this done with earlier in the week since I'm trying to avoid canceling appointments at the end of the week.  Being the nervous nellie that I am, I really don't want to deal with driving downtown during rush hour.  To be perfectly honest, that is what I'm dreading the most about all of this.  The time away from work doesn't make me happy either...but it's really just the whole dealing with parking and all that junk.  I'll get by, though.  I always do.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Friday already?! Woo!

Time Flies when you're busy!  I do like Fridays around here, though...and not for just the obvious reason of it almost being the weekend.  On Fridays, I try and be good and have a normal work morning.  Then on Friday afternoons, that's when I 'allow' myself to do a project...whether it's something out in the workshop or a house project...doesn't really matter.  Just something that's fun that I don't typically have time to do during the week.

Today's project:  finishing the workshop organization project.  One of my m-i-ls in coming over (I have 2 :)  ) to help me out.  She helped me get the initial organizing going--i.e. boxing up stuff that I'm not using right now, unpacking things that I had in storage while we were in England.  You know, that kind of thing. 

Josh and I got all that newly boxed up stuff put up in the attic over the weekend, so now there's a bit more space in the garage.  So today, Lynn and I will be creating "clean" storage for crown, tray, and candle inventory.  And that in turn frees up some other shelving, which means there will now be a proper place for most everything out in the workshop.  Yay!

The garage has been warming up for about an hour now.  Should be nice and toasty out there in another hour or so.  Despite my lovely cup of decaf coffee (or becuase of) I'm still tired--and a little chilly-- and I didn't really like my breakfast.  Fortunately, pregnant ladies are allowed to have 2 breakfasts (by my rules), so I'll just make sure bfast #2 is a little tastier.

(Oh and sick kitty, Rufus, seems to be doing much better.   responding well to antibiotics.  and finally gaining a little weight back.  we go back in next Friday to have blood drawn to recheck liver levels.)

Have a good Friday!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

...and today just happens to be Josh's and my 7th wedding anniversary.   Our anniversary usually gets the year started off on the right foot, pretty good deal if you ask me.

and I'm 15 weeks pregnant today...and having to start transitioning into maternity clothing.  Yeah, the pants aren't really buttoning up anymore.  I've been using the rubber band trick to keep them closed for the past few days.  I took to the sewing machine over the Holidays to start sewing knit waistbands into some old pants.  Much better.  Now for the tops....

So with needing to finish up altering some of Josh's old button-ups, along with a nice long list of emails and crowns to tend to, it's going to be a busy week.  (Plus a kitty cat who seems to have a liver infection! :(   I just want to curl up with the little guy all day long!)

I may have to go in for Jury Duty next week (I call-in the night before for a full week to see if/when my group gets called).  I truly don't have a problem doing my civic duty..but next week is not a good week to possibly have to go in for Jury Duty.  Praying my group doesn't get called.

the Garage heaters have been running for an hour another hour or so, it might be warm enough to start work for the day...the more pregnant I get, the less willing I am to work out in the cold garage.  ugh.  It could be worse, though.  So on that note, that's it for the Monday morning ramble.  I'll see what I can do to keep you entertained this week.  Happy New Year.