Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Milos Crowns!

The Milos-silver crowns are in demand right now---I just got done making 3 sets, and thought it might be fun to show those crowns in progress. 

I've already got the crowns constructed and coated with "liquid silver"

I airbrush on the silver finish and allow it to dry. 

 Then, I spray on a sealant, to prevent tarnish

Once the sealant dries, I just need to attach connecting ribbons onto each set, photograph each set and email them to their rightful owners and ship them off...One set is staying in the US, one set is going to Canada (and they're getting married in Cyrpus!), and the 3rd set is going to the UK.

And it seems like, along with the Milos crowns...all metal crowns are in demand at the moment, so here's the mess that I call my silver-smithing table at the moment.  I have about 5 different crown sets in progress on that table.  Plus that whole pile on the floor!  Looks like I'll need to clean/organize the weekend, huh?
And my garage is still cold, so yes, that's a space heater.  I've been listening to a lot of Stevie Wonder while working, the crowns have a nice jazzy aura!

ok, back to work!

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